Todds Terrace, St. George. Barbados

Economic and Financial Analysis: The Career of an Analyst with Mr. Bruce Hennis (Part 1)

(The following article is based on a Rethink Network interview. Part 1 of a 4-Part Series)

What is a Financial & Economic Analyst?

“They advise companies and individuals on the most profitable investments. These professionals must be able to distil large amounts of information into concise recommendations. Financial analysts assess whether a company is worth investing in by poring through the company’s financial history. These professionals may also help companies decide how to invest in growing industries. Financial analysts are responsible for studying economic, political and global trends to make recommendations.” FORBES

As a Financial and Economic Analyst, Bruce shared that his specialty is the analysis of a combination of historical corporate financial (Annual Reports, share prices and such like) and economic data with the objective of isolating what he calls High-Performance Businesses. (Read all about these businesses in Part 2)

Who Needs this Type of Service?

According to Bruce:

  1. Investors looking for sound enduring, high performance corporations which would make for a great long-term investment; and
  2. Business owners/management – seeking advice, based on sound research, as to how to build a generational, High Performance business, that survives the harshest of economic climates.

Why Bruce Entered the Field

Bruce’s interest in this field first came about after having trained in computer systems engineering in the UK. He later returned to the UK (having spent a few years studying accounting) with the intention of doing postgraduate business studies, but part of that particular degree included a component with Finance and Economics; two subjects that he fell in love with simply because they brought out his love of Mathematics and Physics (both also heavily present in his Engineering first degree), as well as his love of engineering being able to analyse, pick-apart, and to find solutions to existing problems. 

Thus, Bruce shifted his major to the topic area of Finance and Economics and realised that he had finally found what he was made to do. Since then he has been involved in this area for over 30 years, doing analysis, and building and testing/searching for financial models that work.

After 10 years of much work, Bruce finally found the “Holy Grail” in late 1999/early 2000 – the type of business that stands the test of time and produces above average returns regardless of the economic climate. He subsequently spent the past 20 years refining this approach and isolated a core group of companies from all around the world, which were started in the 1700’s, the 1800’s, the 1900’s, and were built using identical foundational principles – principles which he calls the 7 Pillars Principles. It is from this that he has thus far completed 2 books on the subject.

Thinking about this Career?

For those interested in going into this field Bruce’s advises them to :

  • Read Widely
  • Keep Reading
  • Keep Studying
  • Keep Learning

One of the biggest challenges being faced right now by Economic and Financial Analysts is having the ability to fully decipher the big picture of exactly all that is going on right now, especially as it is one of those unprecedented times in history – one that is associated with a large number of rapid changes.

*Stay tuned for Part 2 as Bruce shares about the Stories behind the Data

Bruce’s Books are available on

  • Ancient Business Secrets: Prayer and Profits
  • That Extraordinary Leader

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