Todds Terrace, St. George. Barbados

Hire Right, to Fire Less

Every company is only as good as its employees. Therefore, it’s so important to take the time to hire the right people. With the unemployment rate at an all-time low, there are more people than ever looking for work. As a result, the pool of potential employees has increased, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any easier to find the needle in the haystack. It takes time, energy, and effort to find the right people who have the skills and personality to work well together.

So, how do you hire the right people? Below are a few tips to keep in mind.


1. Define what you need.

Before you start looking for candidates, take a step back and assess what your business needs. Do you need someone with experience in a certain field? What specific skills should they have? By taking the time to figure out exactly what you need, you’ll be in a much better position to find candidates who are qualified for the job. Make a list of all the roles you need to fill and the skills each position requires.

2. Create a detailed Job Description for each role.

Once you know what positions you need to fill, it’s time to create a detailed Job Description for each role. The job description should include a list of responsibilities, qualifications, and desired skills. Having a detailed job description will help you attract candidates that are a good fit for your team.

Employment and Employees

3. Use multiple channels.

Don’t just post a job listing on one job board and call it a day. To reach the largest pool of qualified candidates, you’ll need to use multiple channels. This could include posting on job boards, using social media, reaching out to relevant associations or groups, conducting targeted Google searches, etc. The more channels you use, the greater your chances of finding the right candidate.

4. Use an Employment Agency.

If you’re having trouble finding qualified candidates on your own, consider using an employment agency. An agency can help you find candidates that meet your specific hiring criteria. They can also provide valuable insight into the local job market and salary trends.

4. Conduct phone or online screenings as needed.

Once you’ve identified a few qualified candidates, you can conduct phone or online screenings. During screening, you can ask candidates questions about their experience and qualifications. This is also a good time to get a better sense of their personality and whether they would be a good fit for your team.

5. In-person Interviews

After conducting phone screens, it’s time to invite candidates in for in-person interviews. This is your opportunity to get to know them better, and to determine if they are truly passionate about the role they would be filling on your team. Pay close attention to their body language and nonverbal cues during the interview.

During the Interview you need to:

·         Consider their Experience

The first thing you’ll want to look at is a potential candidate’s experience. Do they have relevant experience for the position you’re looking to fill? If not, do they have transferable skills that would make them a good fit? For example, if you’re looking to hire a technical writer and the candidate has experience writing marketing copy, they may still be a good fit since both roles require excellent writing skills.

·         Evaluate their Hard Skills

In addition to experience, you’ll also want to evaluate a candidate’s hard skills. Do they have the specific skills required for the job? For instance, if you’re looking for an accountant, they should be able to demonstrate proficiency in accounting software like QuickBooks or sage; if you’re looking for a web developer, they should be able to code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

·         Determine their Soft Skills

While hard skills are important, don’t overlook a candidate’s soft skills. After all, these are the skills that will help them excel in their role and work well with others on your team. Some examples of soft skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.

You can assess a candidate’s soft skills by talking to references and conducting behavioural interviews.

·         Check their Compensation Requirements

Finally, you’ll want to make sure that a candidate’s compensation requirements are in line with what you’re willing to pay for the role. There’s no use falling in love with a candidate only to find out later that their salary expectations are way out of your budget. So, be sure to ask about salary requirements early in the hiring process so that there are no surprises down the road.

6. Reference Checks

After interviewing candidates, it’s important to conduct reference checks. This is where you call up previous employers or colleagues and ask them questions about the candidate’s work ethic, skills, and qualifications. Getting feedback from references can help you make a more informed decision about which candidate is the best fit for your team.

7. Make your Decision

After conducting reference checks, it’s time to make your final decision. Choose the candidate that you feel is the best fit for your team based on their experience, qualifications, goals, and overall personality.


The bottom line is that it’s not enough just to find someone with the necessary skill set; you also need to make sure that they possess the following:

1. A Good Work Ethic

One of the most important things to look for when hiring is a good work ethic. There will always be employees who are looking for the easy way out or looking to slack off, but these are not the type of persons you want on your team. The best employees are those who have a strong work ethic and are always looking for ways to improve and add value.

2. A Positive Attitude

It’s also important to look for candidates with a positive attitude. A positive attitude is contagious, and it will rub off on your other employees and help create a positive work environment. Not to mention, customers will also pick up on your employee’s positive attitude and be more likely to do business with you as a result.

3. Communication Skills

Communication is key in any business, so it’s important to look for candidates with strong communication skills. After all, you don’t want your employees to be tongue-tied when dealing with customers or clients. The best employees are those who can communicate effectively and efficiently both in written form and verbally.

4. Someone Who Fits Your Company Culture

Finally, you want to hire someone who fits your company culture. Even if an employee has all the above qualities, they won’t be a good fit if they don’t share your company’s values and beliefs. It’s important to find someone who meshes well with your existing team and will help contribute to a positive work environment. The best way to gauge this is by doing your homework on the candidate beforehand and asking questions that will give you a better sense of their personality and values.

5. Someone Who has Potential

In addition to skills and experience, it’s also important to look for candidates with potential. This means that they can grow and develop over time, learning new things and taking on additional responsibilities as needed. When assessing potential, pay close attention to how well the candidate handles adversity and their willingness to take on new challenges. These are both good indicators of potential growth.

A strong team will help your business grow and succeed. Hiring too quickly is often a recipe for disaster. Instead of rushing through the process, take your time and thoroughly vet each candidate. This includes not only conducting interviews but also checking references and doing additional research as needed. By taking your time up front, you’ll be much less likely to end up with regretful hires down the road.

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