Todds Terrace, St. George. Barbados

‘Working from Home’ a New Option for Some

Atlantic Solutions started out as a small company with big aspirations. It quickly rose to prominence in its industry and things were going great. The owner, Mr. Robinson treated his staff exceptionally well and they respected him greatly.  

However, the company hit a major snag when it suddenly ran into financial difficulties, and Mr. Robinson had to use his personal savings to keep the company afloat. His funds were decreasing quickly. Eventually, he could no longer maintain overhead costs nor afford to pay his staff. He was now faced with the choices of laying off a number of employees or giving them pay cuts. The employees were dismayed, and morale was at an all-time low. 

The company had been haemorrhaging money for months and was finally on the verge of bankruptcy. Mr. Robinson was determined to fight for his business and employees. He sought the help of a financial advisor. Was it too late now? Could this possibly be the end of Atlantic Solutions? What would become of Mr. Robinson’s employees?

Transitioning from the Office Building to a Home Office

As the population increasingly gravitates towards the internet, more and more businesses are making the transition from physical locations to digital ones. 

Here are a few things to consider for yourself and staff:


One of the biggest things to think about is how you will communicate with clients and customers. It is advisable to set up a separate phone number and email address for your business dealings. Also, create a separate website or online profile for your business.

How will your work space be organised? It is important to have a designated area to work from. Having all of your necessary supplies within reach is also quite helpful. To make your work area more comfortable and efficient, invest in some office furniture, such as a desk, chair, and filing cabinet if possible.

Finally, establish some ground rules. Make a decision for the number of hours you’ll work each day, and leave adequate room for breaks. It is also advisable to create a system for handling customer inquiries and orders. By setting up some basic guidelines, you can ensure that your transition is smooth and successful.


Make sure that your employees are aware of the expectations you have for them. You may need to set stricter guidelines for working from home than you would for working in the office. For example, you may request that your employees are accessible during specific working hours each day. 

See how best you can help create a comfortable and productive work environment for your employees. This may require some adjustments to their home office space. For example, you may need to provide them with a desk and chair that is comfortable and allows them to work productively.

Be sure to communicate with them regularly. This can help ensure that they are staying on track with their work and meeting your expectations.

Maintaining Professionalism

Working from home can be a great way to achieve a better work/life balance. What’s also important is that you maintain a professional attitude and approach in order to be successful. 

Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Create a dedicated work space in your home, if possible. This will help you to mentally “clock in” and be in the right frame of mind for work. Even if you don’t have an extra room that can be used as an office, try to establish a specific area where you will do your work. 
  1. Stick to a schedule as much as possible. This means getting dressed for the day, starting work at the same time each day, and taking regular breaks. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you should let your professional standards slide. 
  1. Resist the urge to constantly check social media or take personal calls during work hours. It can be tempting to take advantage of the flexibility of working from home, but it is important to stay focused on your work in order to be productive. 

By following these guidelines, you will maintain a professional attitude and approach when working from home.

The Pros and Cons of Working from Home

The outbreak of COVID-19 has forced many businesses to re-evaluate their operations. For some people, this has meant transitioning to a work-from-home model. If you’re considering making this change for your business, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. 


  • Your business can save money on overhead costs like rent and utilities. 
  • Potential employees who value the flexibility of working from home, may find your business to be more attractive. 
  • Chances of productivity are increased as employee distractions and unnecessary office politics are eliminated.
  • Reducing your fuel costs and maximising time is a major win-win!
  • Opportunity exists to take frequent breaks as needed, other than being in the office. 
  • There is a greater possibility for working late hours to stay on target and meet deadlines.


  • You may have difficulty maintaining communication and collaboration among your team members. 
  • It may be difficult to enforce productivity standards when employees are not in a traditional office setting. 
  • Employees may feel isolated or lonely and long for human interaction.
  • Implementing a work-from-home policy may not be possible for all businesses, depending on the type of business or industry.

There is no easy answer when it comes to whether or not restructuring your business for working from home is the right decision. It depends on a number of factors specific to your business and its needs. You’ll also save on office rent and other associated costs. By carefully weighing the pros and cons, you can make the best decision for your company in these challenging times.

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